Thanks for clicking! I am so glad you are here and I hope that you stay awhile. My blog is an extension of my life and while you are here you may read about my travels, my family, see pictures of my teapot collection, a devotional or just simply get a glimpse into my life. I love to meet new people and have found that some of my best friends have been a direct result of blogging.
One of the best things I have started on my blog is my Comments for a Cause . Every month I choose a different charity to donate to. For each legitimate comment that month my husband, Chris, and I will donate 50 cents to that cause. It has been a really great thing to do and I am happy to honor a lot of different “causes” so please comment away. I highlight the new cause on the 1st of the month so make sure you catch that post to find the current one.
Please feel free to sign up for an email notification for my posts, subscribe by RSS feed, follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest and comment as often as you want to. These links are all on the front page of my site and a simple click will take you to each one. I love to make new friends and count it a joy to be able to share my adventures with you.
Thanks for joining me on this journey called life.
Peace and Blessings!
Beth Ann