If you are like many of us, you might have been glued to the television this week as the 2024 Paris Olympics have been airing. It’s been a week of great triumphs for Team USA and it is always fun to watch the different events.
Of course we know all of the more prominent events like gymnastics, swimming, track and field, basketball and more. But there are some lesser known ones that also deserve attention like all of the equestrian events which I honestly love. How about netball, handball or air pistol? Add canoe slalom and canoe sprint to that list as well and we have quite a few interesting events to add to to our viewing pleasure.
I am definitely not an athlete and never was one but I certainly admire those with the strength and determination to compete. The sacrifice and sheer will power to overcome, to train, to push themselves and to excel at what they do is nothing short of inspirational.
One of my friends posted on Facebook that she wanted to know if we were to compete in an Olympic event — what would it be? It made me giggle to think about what I would possibly be good at. Not much. I would have to say that what came to mind immediately was a competition where I collected as much cat hair in a certain time period. I would definitely win this event. But only if I get to use my triple coated cat, Maksim. I can comb him and come up with another cat with all the fur he sheds.
What about you? If there was an Olympic event that you would excel at what would it be? Fill me in the comments and don’t forget to Comment for a Cause for Back to School supplies.