Over the years that we have lived here, I have made many trips to Pretty. Place Chapel at the Greenville YMCA Camp in South Carolina. It is only about 10 miles ( 5 to the road leading up to the camp and an additional 5 to the camp itself once I turn off 276) and an easy place to get to. Last week after my Girls Getaway to Greenville with Ann, I checked to make sure the chapel was open and headed up on my trip home. It had just started raining and the view was obscured but it was still pretty amazing. Hurricane Helene impacted the chapel and camp dramatically and Pretty Place was closed to repair all of the damage. It is in great shape now and even with the less than perfect weather there were several people enjoying the space.
Other visits have been even foggier and harder to see the view.
But the best visits are when the view is clear and unobstructed.
This picture is one we had blown up on canvas and it hangs over our fireplace. I love it.
It’s such a wonderful place to have access to and a little time spent in one of the pews at Pretty Place is always well spent. I have a lot of things to talk to God about these days and even though I can do that anywhere, Pretty Place always gives me the words that I need to say somehow. If you are interested in going make sure you check out their schedule on line here as many events may cause the chapel to be closed.
Thanks for joining me today – I hope your day is filled with hope and peace.