My husband says I have a big heart. I think it is true. I also think I come from a long line of big hearted people and that I get it naturally. I find that it is a blessing but it also can be a difficult thing at times.
Because I have a big heart I feel things maybe just a little bit deeper than someone else does. I take on the pain and sadness of others just a little bit more than others might. Those feelings linger just a little bit longer with me and sometimes it is difficult for me to shake sad situations.
I have so many friends who are going through really tough times right now and my big heart aches. I think having just celebrated All Saints Sunday at church has reminded me of a lot of those loved ones we have lost this year. Of course my heart always misses my own sweet mom and dad and I am constantly reminded of them.
Other friends have other things going on. Children who have returned home with financial and health issues, friends who are living with physical pain every day, marriages on the rocks, transitions in life in varying forms, dying parents, serious life threatening illnesses, the list goes on and on.
So you can imagine that my heart is really feeling a bit overwhelmed some days when it “feels” all the “feels” for people. When I say I will pray for someone I do and most likely that someone stays on my mind and in my heart for a long time. It’s just the way God made me. I don’t easily forget those who are hurting.
Funny thing but I realize I have always been this way. I have always stuck up for the underdog, felt deeply for those suffering injustices and been the one that folks seem to gravitate towards for encouragement. I specifically remember times in high school when I defended a young man who was different. Bullying has always existed, folks, maybe just not in the spotlight like it is today.
Even though it hurts sometimes to feel so deeply I am grateful that God made me exactly like He made me. Without this part of me I would not be me. I am no better than anyone else — just have this special part of me like everyone else has special parts. Today I am embracing who I am and what makes me different.
I would love to hear what you feel one of your strengths is. Tell me all about it and Comment for a Cause for Hurricane Helene relief.