I am a few days behind (I blame jet lag) but here I am pulling into March with an excitement that spring is coming. It really is. Having a few days in 90 degree weather was just what I needed and now I am sure Continue reading →
Pottery and Books – Valentine’s Day Ideas
Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and if you are at a loss for that special thing to do with your beloved I might have a couple of options for you if you live in Brevard, North Carolina. Earlier this week my friend Elaine and I Continue reading →
Christmas is Coming!
If you know me well you know that I don’t decorate for the Christmas holidays until after Thanksgiving. Never have and probably never will. I just like to enjoy Thanksgiving and all of the things that come with it. But It is about this time Continue reading →
Comments for a Cause – WNC Source
I took a bit of a break while we were vacationing with family in Nova Scotia but I am back now and ready to start regaling you with all of my fabulous posts. Just kidding. I am a few days late if you noticed in Continue reading →
Comments for a Cause – Fresh and Local
June is here and it is always my pleasure to share at the first of the month the results of our Comments for a Cause and reveal the next recipient for the current month. This has been a project of mine since April of 2011, Continue reading →
Comments for a Cause Reaches New Heights
Every. Single. Month. I ask “How did we get here?” How on earth can it be May already? The month of April flew by for me, did it for you? If you are new to this blog, you may not know that the first of Continue reading →
Comments for a Cause – A Favorite Thing
Thanks for popping over to It’s Just Life on the first of the month. If you are a regular here you know that the first of the month brings about my Comments for a Cause. Not only do I let my readers know how many Continue reading →
Reverse Advent Calendar
Advent is almost here and I have seen a lot of great ideas of how to prepare for this season of expectancy. I decided to repost this post that I initially shared the past couple of years.. It has been a really great practice for Continue reading →
Christmas Blessings
I know you are thinking to yourself — c’mon Beth Ann. It isn’t even Thanksgiving yet. Why on earth are you writing about Christmas? That’s unlike you! You never decorate your house until after the Thanksgiving stuff is all cleared up and put away. Well, Continue reading →
Caring for Our Neighbors
If you know me you know that there are a few things that I am passionate about. Cats. Books. Teapots. Sharing House. Not necessarily in that order. Today I am most excited about Sharing House (official name Transylvania Christian Ministry). I have had the pleasure Continue reading →