My tradition continues of picking 3 key words and a song for the year! See what I chose for 2013! Continue reading →
Misery Loves Company
I try to go with the flow but some days it is more difficult than others. Continue reading →
The Wright Place to Stay
A trip to Mason City is not complete without a trip to the Historic Park Inn! Continue reading →
What Does It Mean When Your Husband Sends You An Article Entitled “How To Make a Baby”?
An email from my husband had me a little bit concerned about his intentions! Continue reading →
Finally Friday!
It’s Friday—-join in the blog hop frenzy!!! Continue reading →
And What Did YOU Find When You Came Home From Vacation?
Coming home from vacation is always hard—especially when you leave a warm climate to go back to a cold one. Trying to get back into loving the cold—it may take awhile. Continue reading →
Shameless Request??? Yes!
Movember is a great month and YOU can join in and be part of the movement! Continue reading →
Thankful? You Betcha!
You know what day it is —everyone knows and has been posting about it for awhile! Thanksgiving is indeed a time to be thankful and there is so much to be thankful for, isn’t there???? Here is my short list: I am thankful for family—all Continue reading →
Friendship Friday—Gratitude
Today I am focusing on GRATITUDE—take a gander! Continue reading →
Gone Too Soon?
Life is short. Be grateful today for the blessings in your life. Continue reading →