It’s birthday time again! This time it is Aaron who celebrates big number 24 today!!! Love you, Aaron!!! Please indulge a momma her slide show of memories!!! Continue reading →
Showers and the Amazon
Great news for Operation Shower and a trip to the Amazon !!! Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday—Oink Oink
My sweet son got me a teapot for my birthday! I finally got it when I went to visit him last week in Jacksonville Beach and I LOVE it!!! It is adorable and I thought that I should have the whole cuppa experience documented. Continue reading →
Memorial Day is more than cookouts and the start of summer. We love this weekend because that is what it is for many of us. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that—I am all for steaks on the grill, potato salad and some patriotic dessert Continue reading →
It’s A Wonderful Life
A wonderful sheltered life—-that is what I have led. How about you? Continue reading →
What Every Mother Desires
Want to know what I did on Mother’s Day??? You all are gonna be soooo jealous! Continue reading →
How Far Would You Go?
A Chinese monkey suffers a horrible incident …..the extent that his carekeeper goes to keep him alive and healthy….. Continue reading →
My Thankful Day
It is a story I don’t often tell but today I felt it was right to share it with you. Join me on my Thankful Day. Continue reading →
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to my mom and sister today!!!! Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday!
My birthday teapot from my Mom!!! Continue reading →