I read an interesting quote the other day by Christian minister Robin Meyers. It made me stop and think. “Consider this: there is not a single word in {the Sermon on the Mount} about what to believe, only words about what to do. It is Continue reading →
I am often astounded by the labels that accompany products these days. I bought a new curling brush and saw this label on it when I unboxed it. Seriously. I guess they have to label things to avoid lawsuits but really? I would hope that Continue reading →
No Thank You!
I really should have put that title in all caps but I didn’t want to shock anyone. Last week when we were babysitting our darling grandson this was the phrase that we heard often. The favorite phrase used to be “No dis” meaning of course, Continue reading →
I’ve Got Troubles
Troubles. I’ve got a few. A couple weeks ago my internet was wonky. It’s difficult to be a social media addict and have internet woes so I sent an email to our provider to let them know that service was spotty. I went onto their Continue reading →
Stuck and Irritated
Stuck. Irritated. That describes a lot of things but today it is a condition that I find myself in. I had a lovely salad for lunch filled with kale and cabbage and brussels sprouts and other lovely items. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Until an hour Continue reading →
When Life Isn’t Fair
We’ve all been there at one time or another. Whether we are a child or an adult those words have most likely come out of our mouth “That’s not fair!”. I remember pairing those words with my other favorite words as a youth “I am Continue reading →
Another Motherless Mother’s Day
It’s a similar refrain for many of us, isn’t it? A Mother’s Day without our own mother. It’s especially difficult for those of us who had really great moms. Not everyone can say that and I understand how difficult the day can be for so Continue reading →
Ah Choo!
Tis the season for sneezing and allergies. This year has been the worse I have ever experienced. This morning I headed down to the dock to have my morning coffee and have some quiet time. I have had such a busy week and it was Continue reading →
Can You Read This?
It’s been a week of appointments. Whew. Dentist. Hair cut. Eye doctor. If your area is like where we live, if you get an appointment for something you try your darnedest to keep that appointment because scheduling them is somewhat of an accomplishment. Most places Continue reading →
Job for a Day
Sometimes I like to read writing prompts and this one hit me as a good one to explore. What is a job that you would like to do for just one day? Well, that is a very good question, isn’t it? Hmmm. It got me Continue reading →