Decorating for Christmas is always a time that evokes a lot of memories. From the decorations that were part of my childhood to the nativities and teapots that I have acquired over the years – it all brings memories flooding back. This year is no Continue reading →
What’s Your Routine ?
A repost from way back in 2017. Obviously a lot has changed since then but my routine is pretty much the same. Different cat but still two cats. My morning routine is pretty simple. Wake up, Go to the bathroom. (TMI?) Open bedroom doors (we Continue reading →
Daily Gratitude
One of the things I am trying to do this year is to continue to focus on gratitude. It is a good thing to try to keep that at the forefront of my life and I love that every day I can find many things Continue reading →
Things That Make Me Go “Hmmm”
You know what I am talking about, right? When you see something out of the ordinary and you just think to yourself or maybe even mutter out loud “hmmmm”. Translation: what on earth? After our trip to Raleigh to be with all the family for Continue reading →
Thanksgiving Blessings
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness:come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God:it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;we are his people, and the sheep of Continue reading →
The Beautiful World of AI
Today I am being adventurous and sharing a bit of the wonderful world of AI with you. It’s a little daunting to embrace artificial intelligence but I can totally see that it has a place in our world today in a helpful way. Yes, it Continue reading →
Celebrating Thanksliving Every Day of the Year
Thanksliving. Isn’t that a great word? Our pastor preached a sermon about Thanksliving. Autocorrect keeps trying to change that word to Thanksgiving but that’s not what I am talking about . Thanksliving is a way of living every single day as a thankful person. Continue reading →
A Few Words for Today
Sometimes I just need to be reassured that things are going to be okay. It isn’t that I don’t know it in my heart but the power of words is pretty awesome at times. Sunday was one of those times that words printed in our Continue reading →
Simple Beauty
Chris and I took advantage of the beautiful day on Wednesday and after a early morning dump date (yippee to them taking recycling again after a long haul after the hurricane of not being able to take it) we took a quick walk from our Continue reading →
A Little Sweetness
Sometimes a little marketing goes a long way. I recently bought a package of Splenda –those cute little packages that I use in my morning coffee. This particular package made me smile. Repeatedly. . The front of the package is simple and what I have Continue reading →