I read a blog prompt somewhere that asked the question “Do you live for the destination or the journey?” My initial response, as a Christian, was the destination. Who does not long for heaven? A place where there is no cancer or Alzheimers, no poverty or discrimination, no hatred or sadness. A place that I imagine is pretty much perfect—whatever that perfect place is for you–that is what I imagine it to be. For me I think there will be lots of music and lots of smiley faces floating around. Plenty of happiness to be found and absolutely no sadness. Sweet communion with a loving Father who created me and loves me for me. How could that not be heaven?
Then I thought about it a bit more. In order to get to the destination I have to go on the journey first. The destination will be so much better if I am able to enjoy the journey along the way and the journey is what is going to get me there so that should be what I am living for perhaps. On the journey I will encounter many who will need to know about the destination and it is up to me to share that.
In my life I attempt to enjoy the moment that I am in. I hope that I can savor every moment and experience because those are what are leading me to the ultimate destination. It is so easy to get caught up in the “stuff” of each day. The mundane chores, the routine, the tasks that I do without thinking just come and go and continue on day after day after day. And yet there are moments—little blips in my day when I wake up out of my fog and realize that this is all part of the journey. There are people and places along the way that I need to just open my eyes to . Instead of whining about the repetitiveness of my life I need to stop, take a breath and realize that in the ordinary is the extraordinary. Those moments of realization when I take it all in and realize that this journey is so much bigger than I am. The destination is there when it is time. For now it is about the journey.