Fall is arriving in North Carolina and this past weekend Chris and I spent a few hours walking around the grounds at Biltmore in Asheville. I wanted to see if the mums were blooming yet and see what else was blooming.

No, the mums are not blooming yet but there is plenty to see besides the mums so come along with me as I give you a little tour today.
The Italian gardens are having a bit of an overhaul right now but there are still a couple of the pond areas that are pretty to look at. The fish definitely wanted me to feed them but I respected the signs to refrain from feeding or throwing pebbles into their environment. However apparently not everyone read that sign.

The arbor that winds through the walled garden normally has some type of vines growing all over and this year I was really surprised to see that some kind of squash or gourds were the vine. It was odd to walk underneath and dodge the things that were dangling.

Of course I love to go into the Conservancy and this time it was open with directional signs and arrows. With one entrance and exit it was so easy to take a stroll. We went early in the morning and it was not crowded at all. Biltmore is doing a great job of managing during the pandemic.

Thank you for stopping by today and joining my walk through the estate. Come back for part two when we visit when the mums are blooming and vibrant.