Revisiting a series of posts I did in 2015. Enjoy.
The rules of Five Photos; Five Stories are to post a photo a day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph. Oh yes, and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge. Thanks to Dianna of These Days of Mine for tagging me to do this challenge. A great one for this time when I am feeling super busy and need a simple blog challenge.
It was a fun day of exploring the countryside in Australia. Aussies are a funny breed. You never really know what is going to come out of their mouths and I found out early that my “share everything” way of life was something that should probably not be my norm while I lived there and had a husband who valued his job.
I loved our time in Australia and when we were able we took trips around to all of the sights and sounds of the country. We were not there long enough to explore everywhere we did get a good glimpse into life in Queensland and loved being able to experience that.
One day when we were driving through the countryside we happened up on this mailbox. Honest to goodness—–I made Chris back the car up so I could take a picture. I am not sure how the postie knew there was mail to go out as I did not see a flag of any sort but it obviously worked well for a re-purposed use. Don’t you love how ingenious this is to use an old non-working microwave for a mailbox? I know I do and hope it made you chuckle today.