Revisiting a series of posts I did in 2015. Enjoy.
The rules of Five Photos; Five Stories are to post a photo a day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph. Oh yes, and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge. Thanks to Dianna of These Days of Mine for tagging me to do this challenge. A great one for this time when I am feeling super busy and need a simple blog challenge.
Our family is a little odd. I will just come right out and say that. We have a lot of strange little traditions and quirks but then I think everyone does if they are honest about it.
One thing that we have always poked fun at is our “Dittus Nose”. You see some of us are blessed with a nose similar to my Grandpa Dittus. He had a somewhat large nose and a few of us inherited it. I am not going to point fingers at anyone in particular because that finger would be pointing back at me.
A long time ago I found this larger than life nose at a craft show and bought it with the intention that it would become the gift that kept on giving. I chose the first recipient one Christmas, wrapped it up and it went on its way to become the gift that got regifted year after year. As the years went on the nose got added to. Buffalo hair in the nostrils from my brother Mark, sunglasses and googly eyes, a sign proclaiming something that has worn off over the years and a nose ring. You get the idea. You never knew who was going to get it or what form it would take.
The nose was sadly deep fixed for a number of years but made a reappearance years ago with even more embellishments added. I have it in my office now but when Theo was here over Christmas he asked me to take it out of the room because it scared him. Think it is time to send it on its way to another home. Do you have any tradition like this one in your family?