A repost because we all need to be reminded to choose love.
I choose love over hate anytime.
I choose positivity over negativity.
I choose glass half full over glass half empty.
I choose happiness over sadness.
I choose embracing over holding at arm’s length.
I choose lightness over darkness.
I choose to be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
I choose smiles over frowns.
I choose education over ignorance.
I choose being proactive over sitting back and letting someone else take action.
I choose counting my blessings over bemoaning my disappointments.
I choose words that build up over those that tear down.
I choose truth over lies.
I choose authentic over superficial.
I choose clarity over filtered.
I choose friendly over unfriendly.
I choose living over just existing.
I choose challenging over easy.
I choose caring over ignoring.
I choose peace over fighting.
I choose hope over despair.
I choose love.