Chris and I were just talking the other day about how our life has been full of adventures. It really has. I can’t imagine living a boring and predictable life. It just isn’t us at all and I am sure that there are those who look at our lives and wonder about us.
Some of our adventures have been on vacations and some just are simply life adventures. They all are pieced together in my mind and memory. It is fun to pull them out and reminiscence about them at times.
There was the time I stayed for just one more cup of tea with my mom and dad when we were visiting them. We started the drive home from Ohio to Pennsylvania and Mother Nature hit. In a couple of ways. First the interstate was closed while we were sitting there because of black ice. Second, I had to go to the bathroom due to that second cup of tea. There might have been a Superman themed water bottle involved …. just saying.
There was the time we lived in Australia and thought it would be a great idea to rent out our home in Mason City to a group of “professionals” from Iceland who were installing wind turbines in the area. That didn’t turn out to be such a great decision on our part. Actually a pretty poor decision. But we lived through it and still shake our heads when we remember it.

Before the time of GPS and Google Maps we made a trip to see friends in Kentucky. I took the directions over the phone from the person we were visiting and he instructed me to “go past” an exit. What he really meant was to take that exit. Going past it meant we ended up in someone’s barnyard with a road that got pretty dicey. Thank goodness we were young and in love and this did not deter us. That trip might have also included a stay in a pretty interesting place but that’s a story best kept secret.
We did a great trip in New Zealand after our time in Australia. Chris had booked a farm stay but we didn’t get there until 10 pm. We didn’t have any phone service to call and by the time we got there everything was dark. The road there was windy and narrow and I was voting for just sleeping in the car but Chris said he was sure they were expecting us. Well, they had gone to bed and the host came out in his robe and slippers, put the kettle on and entertained the crazy Americans who appeared in the dark. This ended up being one of our favorite places to stay and they were so very gracious and hospitable. Plus they had a Craftsman style house and sheep — all totally unexpected and wonderful.

All of these memories came to mind as I read one of the latest Sean of the South’s postings. Take a couple of minutes and read about his adventures. I think it will make you giggle a little bit and put a smile on your face today. You can read it by clicking here to go directly to that page.
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