Our beach trip is over but you know I have to share a few more pictures with you, right? It was a great trip, even with cloudy and stormy weather, and there is always something fun to see, shrimp to eat and beaches to walk.
Riptides are a real thing on the coast and while we were walking to Fort Fisher an emergency beach patrol unit went screaming by and as we neared the spot on the beach where they stopped we found out that someone got caught in a riptide but managed to get themselves out. Signs are everywhere that warn people of no swimming areas and no climbing on the rocks and yet we saw plenty of both. This memorial placed on a sign signaled to us that deaths happen here. Sad.
This was a really nice monument that was dedicated to the soldiers who fought in the Confederate States Army.

Fort Fisher was constructed as a series of mounds which look a little bit like pyramids.

One of the most visited places in Carolina Beach is Britt’s Donuts. This is the place to go to get your fresh donut hot out of the fryer. Nothing fancy but pretty wonderful.
I loved this little jar on the table of one of our lunch spots. Simple but effective. I often grumble about places that have outdoor seating with no place to put small bits of trash that tend to blow off the table.
It’s just nice to be at the beach, you know? I always come away feeling relaxed and renewed. Hope you have a great week.
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