If you have read any of my blog posts over the years you know that I am a huge fan of public art. Sculptures, statues, murals – it all has a special place in my heart.
Brevard recently had a small section of Jordan Street closed off to traffic for a super secret art installation. I knew the artist, Billy Smith, is well known in these parts for his beautiful murals and other work so I was excited to see what the new piece was.
The new piece is not really a piece. It is a mural on the pavement.
It’s pretty ingenious, don’t you think? Brook trout swimming beneath the broken pavement in two big “puddles” on the cross walk area. When I read about the project I mistakenly had the idea it would be on the side of a building. This mural draws attention to Jordan Street where there are multiple shops and restaurants that sometimes get overlooked.
Hopefully this will draw attention to an area that may be overlooked by tourists. Honestly you have to be right up on it to realize there is something there.
Kudos to the Heart of Brevard, the city of Brevard, Blue Zones Project and Transylvania County Tourism for this latest addition to public art in our sweet little town. They promise more to come in the future so stay tuned.