A great way to give back is by packing a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. I have written about this event several times in the past and have supported this project for many years. The boys and I used to pack shoeboxes years ago and it was always fun to shop for items and cram them all into those shoeboxes.
The shoebox drive is still an ongoing project of Samaritan’s Purse and they reach many children all over the world with these packed boxes. Many churches are collection places and this week is the designated drop off week for many. To find a local drop off for your shoebox this week click on this link to be able to search locally for the drop off location.
With Covid- 19 it may be a little more difficult to shop and get the shoebox delivered. But don’t worry because it can all be done online with very little fuss. I built a shoebox online for $25 and following are the steps to do that. This is the direct link to build a shoebox online.
To start building you click on choices of building yourself or having a box built for you. Once you click on Start Building options for age ranges and boy or girl pop up to be selected.

I chose a girl ages 5-9 and the first item to select is an essential item.

The next selection was to choose a WOW item for the box. I chose a doll.

Next step allows the builder to select 3 small toys. I chose a jewelry kit, a toy and a necklace.

Then comes the option to select two accessories. I chose hair accessories and a shirt.

Once these items were selected my shoebox was filled and it was time to begin to check out.

The option is available to include a note and of course I selected that option.

You can even upload a picture to include with your note to your child.

Final step is payment which can be done a variety of ways including PayPal.

The whole process is very easy and quick and while you don’t get to actually pick out those toys at a store on your own if you are pressed for time or just simply want to avoid the stores now this is the perfectly safe way to make a shoebox. The $25 cost covers the box, what is in the box and the shipping and handling cost. I always spend way more than that when I pack my own box so maybe this is the way to do it a little bit more economically?
Have you participated in this in past years? Have you been a part of a church that is a collection point? I would love to hear your experiences with this if you would like to share. Remember to leave me a comment and remember that each comment this month goes to support our Comments for a Cause – Emergency Covid-19 Combat Service.