Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and if you are at a loss for that special thing to do with your beloved I might have a couple of options for you if you live in Brevard, North Carolina. Earlier this week my friend Elaine and I went to Brevard Clay located at 84 E Main St to do a good deed. One of my favorite events to attend yearly is the Empty Bowls Luncheon (this year held on March 15, 2025 beginning at 11 am at Brevard First UMC located at 325 N Broad Street). This event features bowls created by artists at Mud Dabbers Pottery as well as Brevard Clay which can be purchased for $25 along with a fabulous soup lunch to benefit The Bread of Life here in Brevard. This year, Brevard Clay has opened up their studio to allow customers to come in and paint a bowl for free to be donated to the event.

We chose our bowls and George helped us by giving us the “paint pens” the we were to use on the bowls. Once we created our designs the bowls will be coated with the studio glaze and then fired and donated to the event. Easy. While my design was really simple I have learned from doing other pottery pieces over the years that it is better for me to keep things simple. I didn’t go in with a real plan so keeping it simple with hearts and dots using the skinny paint pens was the best idea for a non painting artist like myself.
I. hope I can find it when we go to the Empty Bowls Luncheon but what are the chances when there will be hundreds and hundreds of bowls? Hmmm.
The other Valentine event that we hope to take in is at another favorite shop in town – Highland Books. Owner Leslie and her crew of booksellers have done this before and we have not been able to attend but hopefully this year we will be able to participate in the fun event this weekend.
A literary scavenger hunt sounds great to me and it’s always fun to be at the bookstore anytime.
While we don’t make a huge deal about Valentine’s Day it is fun to do some things that are special. What do you do, if anything, to celebrate Valentine’s Day? Let me know in the comments and Comment for a Cause for Lois’ Linens.