It’s Follow Friday time on the blog!! Check out my answers and share the love! Continue reading →
Wordless Wednesday Strikes Again!
Thanks to Create with Joy for the Wordless Wednesday blog hop today! Continue reading →
So what does a wonderful husband bring back his beloved from Australia???? Anyone taking bets on how long they will last???? Continue reading →
Hitchin’ A Ride
Wordless Wednesday brought to you today by the Cane Toad….. Our little friend grabbed onto the plant when I was was hanging it back up…..I was cracking up. For those of you who do not know what a cane toad is here is the Wikipedia Continue reading →
If It Is Tuesday It is Teapot Day!!!!
My one teapot I bought while we were in Australia!!! I love it!!! My favorite color (red) featured in a sweet floral pattern!!! Come join me for a cuppa!!! Continue reading →
It Came! It Came!
Imagine my excitement when the doorbell rang and my “postie” handed me an airmail package!!! Yippee!! I had been promised that something was coming and I was holding out hope that my friend, Gillian, had sent me some delectable morsels of Australian goodness. I Continue reading →
I was cruising YouTube for videos of Saunders Beach in Queensland where we lived for a short time and along with the most recent videos showing all of the damage from Cyclone Yasi I stumbled upon this one which made me miss our little beach Continue reading →
Wordless Wednesday
Hopping onto the Wordless Wednesday train from Java’s blog over at Never Growing Old!!! One of our “friends” from our days in Australia—-can’t say that I miss these guys in my potties!!! Have a great day! <img border=”0″ src=””/> Continue reading →
Prayers for our Australian Friends
If you have been watching the news lately you have been aware of the horrific flooding in beautiful Australia. It is so sad when disasters like this strike and it really makes one realize the powers of nature. Of course I have worried about our Continue reading →