Ever heard of beer soup??? I must look up a recipe for this! Continue reading →
A Little Hop
Friday means blog hop time over at Hilary’s at Feeling Beachie. Check out my answers today and add your own!!! Continue reading →
It’s Follow Friday Time!
It’s Friday Blog Hop Time!! Come see what Hilary has come up with this week! Continue reading →
Packing Sand Macaroni Coffee —WHAT?
Each week, Hilary at Feeling Beachie lists four statements with a blank to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her at feelingbeachie@gmail.com. If she uses Continue reading →
Chocolate, Ambulance Rides, Scents, Coffee and Tea, Please!
Meet Me on Monday Blog Hop 1. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? That is really a tough question!!!! One food???? I guess it would have to be…..wait for it……chocolate. I love chocolate. Continue reading →
Meet Me On Monday
Thanks to Java who provided the questions today for Meet Me on Monday from Never Growing Old blog (sorry links are not posting correctly)— Join in!!! Let me know YOUR answers: Have you (only you..not a group) ever won first place in anything? When I Continue reading →
Thankful….number 6
Today I am thankful for that first cup of morning coffee…….lovely. Continue reading →
More Randomness
Names of 3 objects or things you love most and why? 1. Any book I can place my hands on because they offer such a world of knowledge and escape!! 2. Daisies because they just are happy flowers!. 3. Coffee and chocolate come in together—–both Continue reading →