My family is VERY important to me. My siblings have become increasingly vital to my life especially after the death of my mom in 2020. I see so many families who have real rifts and it just makes me sad. I can just not imagine Continue reading →
More from Dawes Arboretum
Last Friday I shared a few pictures from The Dawes Arboretum in Newark, Ohio and today I thought it would be a great time to finish up with a few more pictures that I captured that day. It was the one nice day weather wise Continue reading →
The Dawes Arboretum
Another stroll through beauty today on the blog and this time it. is through The Dawes Arboretum located in Newark, Ohio. Again this post will be long on pictures and short on description because the pictures will speak for themselves. , . . . . Continue reading →
Biltmore Blooms 2024
It wouldn’t be spring without a Biltmore Blooms post here on It’s Just Life. Not many words today but a lot of lovely flower pictures to share with my readers. Enjoy! . . . . . . . . . Continue reading →
A Glimpse of Fall
The flowers in Lakeside were showing off. It was September in Ohio but it was beautiful as you can see from these pictures that I snapped of some of the blooms. . . . . . . . Have a great weekend and remember to Continue reading →
It’s About Blooming Time!
I don’t claim to be a good gardener and with all of the plant loving critters that live in our yard and forest it is a constant battle to keep any plants looking decent. So when my front yard looks good, I have to gloat Continue reading →
Central Gardens – A Bright Spot in Clear Lake, Iowa
Our recent trip back to Iowa found us trying to cram in as much as we could. One of my favorite places to go in Clear Lake used to be Central Gardens. We fit a walk through the gardens in during our brief visit and Continue reading →
I Can’t Have Pretty Things – Edition 535
I know I have probably ranted and raved about not being able to have pretty flowers here in Connestee Falls. This is most likely time 535. It’s unfortunately true. We have rabbits. We have raccoons. We have bears. We have squirrels and chipmunks. But most Continue reading →
The birds are singing. The deer are grazing. The squirrels and chipmunks are scampering and the bears are rousing themselves to come out and investigate in our little neck of the woods. While all of this is exciting it also means that bird feeders and Continue reading →
Like No Other – #Biltmore Blooms
Another trip to Biltmore estate to specifically see the roses happened last week. Friend and neighbor Elaine and I set out to see the roses as they are blooming up a storm. Elaine is a flower nerd. I don’t think she would mind me writing Continue reading →