The teapot featured today is one I found 9 year ago on a BFF trip with Ann to downtown Asheville. This was actually before we moved back to North Carolina and we took a little trip to spend a few days together. One of our Continue reading →
Another Thrift Store Find on Teapot Tuesday
Thrift stores are some of THE best places to find teapots for my collection. I have a difficult time paying full price for teapots when there are so many out there that people are donating to thrift stores. I found this lovely teapot at the Continue reading →
Seeing Green on Teapot Tuesday
This little guy has to be one of the most memorable teapots in my collection. Who wouldn’t love some tea poured from this adorable frog teapot? His smiling face and buggy eyes make me grin every time I see him in my china cabinet so Continue reading →
Fun Tea Accessories on Teapot Tuesday
Every tea lover needs to have a few fun things to accompany tea time, don’t you think? Today I am sharing 3 fun items that I have that make teatime even better. First up is a little gizmo that my sister got for me. It Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday All Cozied Up
I have shared my love of teapots that come with their own cozies many times before on my Teapot Tuesday posts. They are the perfect companion for a great teapot and I was thrilled to find a teapot that fit in that category last week Continue reading →
Flowers and Bees on Teapot Tuesday
I have had this teapot in my collection for a very long time and I love it. It is the perfect spring teapot and even though my pictures are lousy (sorry – pics from about 10 years ago and I just don’t have time to Continue reading →
A Sweet Teapot
Sometimes teapots make me smile and this M & M themed teapot definitely fits in that category. Every time I look at it I just grin. How could I not? The cute one cup teapot fits right on top of the cup so brewing and Continue reading →
Toby Teapot on Teapot Tuesday
A birthday teapot found its way to my house this week and I love this new addition to my collection. My brother and sister in law gifted me this vintage teapot from the early 1960’s. They are great thrift store/flea market shoppers and I am Continue reading →
Teapot Tuesday
Another Tuesday and another teapot from my collection. I highlighted this one years ago and kind of forgot all about it. It was a $5.99 find at Marshall’s and is the perfect one for use for daily tea time. . A cute china teapot that Continue reading →
Singing the Blues on Teapot Tuesday
I know that title is silly. Trust me, I know. The teapot I am featuring today is blue and that was the first thing that came to mind. Oh….maybe I should have thought a little longer and come up with a better title? Perhaps but Continue reading →