You know you love to see all of my yummy food pictures, right? I usually devote a post to sharing fabulous food that we have sampled on our travels and today is the foodie pics from our Nova Scotia trip. We did not eat any Continue reading →
More from Rock City Gardens
As promised (I know you have all been waiting with baited breath) I thought I would share a few more photos from our trip to Rock City, Tennessee. It was such a fun day exploring the nooks and crannies and I marveled at the creativity Continue reading →
Ruby Falls
If you have driven anywhere on the eastern side of the country you probably have seen those signs. Signs that say “See Ruby Falls” or “Rock City”. These two attractions are located in Tennessee and were the main reason for our anniversary trip. You see Continue reading →
Destination Knoxville
We had a lovely anniversary trip last week and while we were not able to tour the yak farm that I wanted to see we made the best of it and had a marvelous time without the yaks. We only spent one rainy night in Continue reading →
More from Dawes Arboretum
Last Friday I shared a few pictures from The Dawes Arboretum in Newark, Ohio and today I thought it would be a great time to finish up with a few more pictures that I captured that day. It was the one nice day weather wise Continue reading →
The Dawes Arboretum
Another stroll through beauty today on the blog and this time it. is through The Dawes Arboretum located in Newark, Ohio. Again this post will be long on pictures and short on description because the pictures will speak for themselves. , . . . . Continue reading →
Murals Keep the Past Alive
Last week when I visited my sister we took some time to walk around Newark, Ohio. She and her husband moved there right before Covid hit and they have begun to appreciate the town and all it has to offer. Moving during Covid lockdown was Continue reading →
More Chihuly at Biltmore
Yesterday I shared a few pictures from the current exhibit of Chihuly at Biltmore in Asheville, NC. Today I thought I would finish the week out with a few more of my favorite views of the exhibition. It is truly stunning and if you can Continue reading →
Chihuly at Biltmore
Chihuly at Biltmore is a sight to be seen. Take a quick peek at what there is on display. Continue reading →
It’s All About the Bees
Last week on our “spring break” getaway we found some time to go to some pretty great places. Of course I will share those with you because that is what I do. I am good at sharing. One of the places we visited Atalaya Castle Continue reading →