As I prepare for Mother’s Celebration of Life on September 25th, I have been looking at old photographs. One of the things that my sister did years ago was the perfect gift. She had all of Daddy’s slides converted to digital form and so I found that thumb drive this week and was looking through them.
I have totes of pictures that I took after my mom moved into Memory Lane but some of these on the thumb drive are totally different ones and some of them just crack me up.
Take for example this picture of myself…

That’s me. Asleep on the back deck of the family station wagon, legs up on the thermos jug of water, crammed up next to the ice chest, packed amongst all of the luggage. I am sure we were on a vacation trip someplace and this was how I was traveling.
But my, how times have changed. Today we have the latest safety advances in our cars. Theo has a top of the line car seat that protects him. It’s what we do now. We do everything within our power to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.
When I saw this photo it just made me wonder how on earth I made it through my childhood alive. Chris recalls a trip out west sitting with his legs on top of a duffle bag and his mom holding Carlton on her lap in the front seat the entire way.
Somehow we made it through it. I am so happy that today we have great ways to keep us safe. I am glad I don’t have to travel that way anymore but after looking at my growing pile to pack for this coming week I am thinking I may be crammed up next to a cooler again.
What memories do you have of younger days and traveling? Let me know in the comments and Comment for a Cause for UMCOR.