- Cats in clothes. When we were growing up we always had a plethora of cats around. One of the favorite things to do was to put them in doll clothes. I am not sure how smart that was but it was fun to see our “Mama to Many Kittens -Peek” modeling a dress. The boy cats did not get left out. I still have memories of stacking model car tires on tails of poor unsuspecting cats and watching them flip them all over the yard. There was technique to it because you had to hold the tip of the tail just so and slide the tires on the tail without letting go before you were ready. It never got old.
- Llamas. When Chris and I were newly married we visited Busch Gardens and marveled at the animals there. One of my favorite areas was the llama pen. You could buy crackers to feed the llamas and of course I whined enough that Chris bought me some to feed them. After one particularly hungry llama finished what I had to give him I noticed a sign on the fence. I read it aloud because of course, that is what I do and it said “Caution, Llamas sometimes spit.” As the words came out of my mouth the llama spit directly at Chris —blowing his sunglasses off with such force that we had to look around to locate them. I still laugh hysterically when I think about this. It was one of those moments that I wished there had been a hidden video camera. The best part was that when we found the sunglasses there were flecks of chewed up crackers on them. Chris still does not forgive me for falling apart when that incident happened and he is probably rolling his eyes now as he reads this. I’m not sorry. It was hysterical. Still is.
- Scaring people–namely Chris. To look at me would you think I was a jokester? I have my moments. I love to jump out at Chris and scare him. I know it is juvenile and these days he tells me that I will give him a heart attack so I have had to scale back a bit but come on—–it is funny to see him jump when I suddenly appear in front of him.
- Recalling a “lie” that I perpetrated. Don’t get me wrong. I am not a proponent of lying. That was one thing that I always stressed to our boys. Lying is not right and does not get you anywhere in life. But……I did pull one off for quite a while and once again it was with the husband. Somewhere along the way when we were dating I mentioned in passing that I was part Native American on my Grandma Bonnie’s side. Why I did that I have no idea but at the time it was a fun little joke. I really must have been convincing because he fell for it–hook, line and sinker. Then he asked my Grandma if she could do a rain dance. End of the ruse. I still crack up when I think that I had him on that one for so long.
- Grumpy Cat. Never ceases to make me giggle when I see a Grumpy Cat anything. Including my weather app on my phone. If you don’t know about Grumpy Cat you need to check out the Wikipedia page devoted to Grumpy Cat aka Tardar Sauce.
- Pintrosity. I love Pinterest and all things that you can find there from recipes to DIY crafts to books to read to fabulous helpful hints. However things do not always work out as well as the initial “pin” and Pintrosity is a great blog devoted to those failures. Most of them make me laugh out loud. Because I can identify with so many of them.
- Geico Owl Commerical. How can this not make you laugh?
- Certain words. I imagine you have some of them, too. Words that just make you laugh. Words like “titilate”, “buttocks”, “fortnight” and “whilst” to name a few. I imagine you have some of your own to add.
My thanks to Jeni from JeniEats for reminding me today that laughter is a really good thing and allowing me to cut up with her at Coffee Cat. It certainly quieted down in there after I left.