I love to look at the SkyMall magazine in the seat back pocket when I fly. It never ceases to amaze me what
crazy bizarre unique things are offered on those pages. If you haven’t flown for awhile or don’t have any trips lined up in the near future–no worries. They are online here.
I have done various posts on some of the great things you can find in this magazine. I even gained a new follower because I tagged a business who had their product featured and while it was not something that appealed to me the owner was quite gracious and did not take my doubt of her product as a negative thing. Whew. You can read some of my other posts on SkyMall here, here and here. See–I do love them!
On my recent trip to Texas and back I had to take a look at some of the great things that can be found in this publication. Take a stroll with me through the magazine and see if any of these items speak to you.
This just looks like an accident waiting to happen. Maybe it’s just me?
I am all for fitness but I really think this would be detrimental to me.
Need to keep those pesky bugs away? Nothing says style like this zip up jacket! And only $59.95!
I’ve got my eye on you!
Maybe I don’t know dogs very well but I doubt many would enjoy wearing this get up.
I think I need to cause more stress for my neighbors. I would get this in red, of course, and put it on the border of our yard in the back so that my neighbors could also enjoy the wonderfulness that it brings. And it is only $499!
I might have saved the best for last. What do you think? I bet you can guess what Mr. Diamond is going to get in his stocking this year, right? The butt enhancer, of course. 🙂
Which one is your favorite? Make sure you put it on your wish list!