Three focus words. As has been my custom for several years I am once again trying to narrow down my focus for the year by selecting three words to use as focus words for the year. This past year I chose the following words:
While I don’t think about the words every single day I do refer back to them occasionally and it is always a good feeling to remember them and recenter my focus on them for whatever reason. I liked my 2019 words and feel like they served me well. But now it is time to choose words for 2020 and I have just the right 3 words for me for the next year.
Balance: noun: a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc. verb: to bring or hold in equilibrium: poise, to rearrange, adjust or proportion the parts of symmetrically.
Clarity: noun: clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity.
Growth: noun: the act or process, or a manner of growing, development, gradual increase size or stage of development. Development from a simpler to a more complex stage.
I think these words are all pretty self explanatory and I am hoping that I can keep them at the forefront during 2020. I want to focus on personal growth in many areas, keeping my life in balance in all areas and being clear about my purpose and intentions. Here’s to 2020 and the challenges that I am sure will be coming. Let me know if you have any focus words for the year. I would love to hear what they are. As always, thank you for taking time to read and leave a comment. You are what makes It’s Just Life a fun place to be.