Our trip last week to Palm Springs and Yuma was fabulous. A little sun and a lot of warm weather was just what we needed. The first part of the trip we stayed in a hotel and then we stayed with my brother Mark for a couple of nights. But when we checked into our room this was what we found.
Now Chris claims he knows no Carol.
The next day when we came back from our day the tv screen was illuminated and this was what we saw.
Again, Chris claimed to not know who James was. I told him he had some “splaining” to do. If you remember the I Love Lucy show from days gone by that was a phrase that was attributed to Ricky Ricardo when talking to Lucy. According to AI this was a misquote.
“Lucy, you have some splaining to do” is a popular misquote from the 1950s sitcom I Love Lucy. The correct line is, “Mrs. Ricardo, if you don’t mind, I think that I am entitled to a little bit of an explanation of what is going on here”. (credit: AI)
Whatever the case, fortunately neither Carol or James showed up in our room but you can bet I made sure that door was locked tight.