It’s time for another edition of What’s On Your Camera Roll. Coming to you straight from my iPhone today’s images were all taken within the past week. Of course sprinkled among these pictures were a lot of Little Free Library pictures and more cat pictures than you can imagine. Hey–it’s what I love. Cats and books. But I will spare you too many of those and share a few of the ones that might make you smile.
We ate at a fabulous Vietnamese restaurant called Wild Ginger in Asheville. I don’t often splurge on Bubble Tea but this time I did. Honestly it filled me up so much that it was hard to eat my Pho and I brought most of it home. If you have never had Bubble Tea it is an experience. It is a sweet milky tea with chewy tapioca or fruit balls that you suck up into a thick straw. I would not want it every day but it was fun to have it this time.
I woke up to a steamy lake one morning and 12 deer grazing in the back yard. There is something eerie about this picture, isn’t there? I could not get them all in the frame but you get the idea. They were happily munching away on the tender grass and moss in the back yard when I snapped this one. Oh, and checking out the bird feeders, of course.
Chris left for Alabama on Sunday and my friend Lali (wife to Rod who built my amazing Little Free Library) invited me to dinner. I just was a bit overwhelmed with all I felt I had to get done this week and declined but guess who showed up on my doorstep with a wonderful meal of pad thai and dumplings and curry? My sweet friend Lali that’s who. Friends treat me far too well.
I stopped at Lowe’s for a few things and went to the garden section outside. Someone has a great sense of humor and I saw they had “flocked” an area of the garden center. It made me laugh.
If you have followed me for very long you know that I have an affinity for a pair of mallards that I have named Henry and Maude. They used to be in our pool in Mooresville, our back yard in Iowa and now we have a Henry and Maude who grace our backyard here in Connestee Falls. Yes, I believe that any mallard pair that I see are Henry and Maude. Don’t burst my bubble. They have been in my yard a lot lately so I suspect they are getting ready to nest and have babies again.
As I was folding shirts for Chris before he left on Sunday I turned my back and when I went to put the next shirt on the pile I noticed that Holly had neatly folded herself up onto the shirt pile. Sigh.
UNC Tarheels are the National Champs and I am sure it is mostly because of their cheerleader Penny. Micah and Wendy posted this picture on Instagram. Don’t I have an adorable grand puppy?
And finally I had one more sample from Plum Deluxe tea to sample and decided on a gloomy rainy and stormy day a cup of Self Care Tea was in order. It was not my favorite from the selections they sent but it was still a pretty good cup of tea.
Tell me what’s on your camera roll today that makes you smile? Remember all comments go to support our Comments for a Cause — The Little Free Library