Another edition of What’s On Your Camera Roll hits the interwebs today and I know that all of my readers will be clicking madly to see what extraordinary things I am going to share. So without further ado – here they are.
First up is a quick shot of the bracelet that my hubby got me for Christmas. Never mind the unattractive wrist that it modeling it. Don’t you just love it? It is so totally my word and I am indeed grateful
I shared the following picture on Facebook of a chocolate delight that we got at The Chocolate Fetish in Asheville. The name on the glass was “Frog” and it was a delightful piece of dark chocolate with caramel and pistachios in the middle. It was delicious. Later one of my college friends, Stephanie, explained why it was called a Frog. She is a horse woman and said that the bottom of the hoof is referred to as the frog and that it looks somewhat like this. Ding ding ding. I should have known that. It made total sense then. But I suspect it tasted much better than the hoof of a horse.
Of course there are always cat pictures on my phone so here is the usual Holly in a box picture. She is my box sitter. Buddy not so much.
It’s time to renew my passport. 10 years ago I was living in Australia and had to renew it and I remember sweating bullets that it would get to the consulate and back safely. Navigating the renewal system in Australia was a bit daunting but obviously I succeeded since I made it back to the United States okay. But I digress. I had to get the passport photo taken and do you know how difficult it is to “smile without showing teeth”? Ugh. I look like a dork.
Living in the South is a great thing and I do love all things Southern. Our local paper often has interesting little things that I can quote and the following quote from someone who helped rescue a woman who got trapped in the rising waters that we have had on some of our roads lately made me giggle . There’s nothing funny about the scare she had but the last line is pure Southern.
I have documented my various Starbucks names over the years. The latest one has kind of stuck and Mr. Diamond has started calling me Bethianne.
And finally a tribute to our family – a street with our name found in a suburb of Asheville. It makes me happy.
Anything interesting on your camera roll? I would love to read all about it in the comments section. Don’t forget that each comment on the blog this month means a 50 cent donation to our Comments for a Cause – Dementia Society of America.