I never refuse a call or FaceTime from our grandson and a couple of weeks ago he called me while I was up at the clubhouse working in the library. Usually when they call (because of course he does not call yet without his Daddy or Mommy) Chris and I are together and at home. He recognizes our home, the bookcases behind the couch, the kitchen, the kitties and all that is in our house. But this time I was not in that familiar space and he was puzzled.
“Where are you, FaMa?” was his question. I was not in my usual place and of course he did not recognize it. So I showed him where I was, the books in the library and all of the things that we would show him on his next visit and he was satisfied for a minute.
Then he asked “Where’s Pop Pop? ” A hard concept for a young one who always sees us together to see us apart. So after talking awhile and having repeated several times that Pop Pop was at home I told him to have Daddy call Pop Pop on his phone.
By the time I got home they were still talking so as I popped into the picture Theo was thrilled to see FaMa was back with Pop Pop at home. Just like it should be, right?
I have been thinking about this a lot over the past couple of weeks. Have you ever seen someone that you know you know who they are but they are not where you know them from? Like someone from church or a club you belong to but you don’t recognize them because they are not in the place you know them from? Like a kid when they see their teacher out in the wild and not at school? It’s weird and unsettling .
We like things to be familiar. We feel most comfortable when we know our surroundings and when we know that we are where we are supposed to be but sometimes we are asked to stretch ourselves and move on out of where we are most comfortable. Maybe we are asked to take on a new role or just do something a little bit differently. It’s hard at times to do that and so much easier to stay in the same place and with familiar surroundings with people that we know.
I have been stretched a bit lately and while it isn’t always the most comfortable thing it has allowed me to grow a bit and recognize that I don’t have to always be in the same place doing the same thing. Change is good at times and even if it is hard for a 2 year old to understand, it might be a necessary part of life.
Have you been stretched or challenged recently? Have you been “out of place” and out of your normal space? Has anyone asked where you are? I would love to hear your thoughts so make sure you leave me a comment and Comment for a Cause for More Than Words.