Spring has sprung in North Iowa and last week when I got home from my travels and sorted through all of my collected mail I had an unexpected package. You know the kind—the totally surprise box from a person who you don’t usually get boxes from. I was intrigued as I saw the return address was of Coleen who is my second cousin on my mom’s side of the family.
I really don’t have a lot of memories of playing with cousins and other relatives when I was growing up. With a dad who was a minister our travel time on the weekends was usually very limited so family get togethers were pretty hit or miss. I don’t remember Coleen from my childhood days but I did meet up with her several years ago when we attended the funeral of a relative. We found each other on Facebook (the uniter of all friends past and present) and have kept abreast of each other’s activities a bit here and there.
So when I found this large package from her I was a bit surprised and amazed. When I opened it I found this.The perfect teapot, don’ t you think? Apparently she was shopping with her kids in Nashville, Indiana and found it and thought of me. I was really touched. What a sweet and totally unexpected gesture from a friend.
It really is a beautiful teapot and combines a lot of my favorites all in one teapot. My favorite color red, birds that I love to watch and feed and a teapot all rolled into one fabulous present. Thank you, Coleen, for such a sweet and thoughtful gift.
In case you noticed the cute mug and spoon –the hubby got me that and isn’t it the perfect cup to sip a nice oolong from? I think I might do that right now.
Thanks for joining me on yet another Teapot Tuesday. They just keep on coming and yes—one of these days I will actually make an effort to count them. I promise.
And today just for the fun of it—a few tea and teapot related jokes for your reading pleasure.
What do lady teapots like to wear?
String of Earls!Why must you be careful of tea at night?
Because it might mug you.What kind of music do teapots like?
JasmineWhat does a teapot say to her hairdresser?
Don’t teas.Why did the teapot get in trouble?
Because he was naughtea.What did the teapot wear to bed?
A nightea.