33, 661,440 minutes
That is exactly how many minutes I have lived as of Sunday, April 28, 2024. By the time you read this I will have lived a few more minutes but that is basically what I claimed when I celebrated my 64th birthday on Sunday. That’s a lot of minutes.
23,360 days old
So what does 64 look like? That’s different for everyone but today I am going to share a few things that being 64 means to me.
Being 64 means I have less roadway ahead of me than behind me but I don’t really think of that as a negative. It just means I need to make every day count just a little bit more, right?
Being 64 means I have a lot of experiences that have shaped me into the person that I am today. That is a very good thing.
Being 64 means that I have A LOT of friends and good ones at that. After receiving literally hundreds of happy birthday wishes via social media messages, texts and phone calls I realize that I am a very blessed person.
Being 64 means I have the joy of being Fama. That is probably the best role to have in the world and I think other grandparents would agree with me on that.
64 means things creak and crack a little bit more but so far I am still in fairly good shape and hope to continue to be, God willing.
64 means loving the same man since I was a freshman in college. That has not changed and won’t. I am blessed to be in a happy marriage that has survived the test of time and many adventures.
64 is the new 50 or something and I am going to claim that. All those adages like “you are only as old as you feel” apply to me now. I am embracing 64! Let the adventure begin!