Fair warning—-I may rant a bit here today. It is one of those days….I will try to hold it down but you have been warned.
Life is too short to spend being upset about things but I have to admit I got a little steamed today about the lack of customer service. Maybe I just expect too much but I figure if I shell out $600 for a product I should at least be kept apprised of the status of the item. Not so. I won’t go into all of the details or even mention the name of the suspect Visonworks store but it involves the purchase of some glasses and how they just don’t even follow up and take care of their customers. Obviously it was not the issue of the guy who waited on me today who actually was the sales guy who fitted me but it got me thinking about what “I” would do if I ran the zoo, to quote Dr. Seuss.
- I would greet my customer as soon as they entered the store, offer assistance and back off if they did not need any. I would not stalk them and make them feel uncomfortable but I would be readily available if they did need assistance.
I would make a point of engaging them in conversation if they did make a purchase and try to call them by name if I had the opportunity.
I would NOT be on my cell phone when there were customers in the store.
I would not have a huge bag of chips or other delightful salty snacks from which I was munching in full view of customers.
I would not have personal conversations with coworkers where customers could hear.
I would have all body art carefully chosen and hidden if it could be deemed offensive by some who viewed it.
I would always have clean hands—sanitizer everywhere regardless of what the business is.
I would dress professionally and appropriately.
When making a sale that required some follow up I would actually DO THE FOLLOW UP! If a little detective work needed to be done, I would do it.
And finally—I would treat each customer with the respect and dignity that I would like to receive.
I feel better. Thanks for listening.
If you had to add any to the list please let me know. I would love to hear your ideas!!!
Don’t forget the Giveaway of the Gadanke journal—go to this page and leave a comment and you are in the drawing ! Winner announced on May 15th along with a surprise!!!