As the helicopters continue to go over our house repeatedly and the rain continues to pound down we are reminded again that we are in the wet!!! The helicopters are taking supplies and probably volunteers and military to the flooded areas. It rained pretty hard earlier today and in the past 24 hours we have gotten about 121 mls ( 5 inches) and more on the way. It is really pretty amazing how much rain can come down when other parts of the country are so dry.
We decided that there was no way we could drive to Mackay today so Chris booked his ticket to fly out tomorrow. We ventured out to go out to a movie and get some lunch and as we got on the main road we decided that we should just turn around and come back home because the water was rising on the main road which meant that with the high tide the water on our Saunders Beach roads were going to be worse in an hour. I think it was the right call to come back and skip the movie—by the time we had turned around the water on the roads was a lot higher than when we left and it was only 30 minutes! So we came home and I made french toast and bacon and we pigged out on that instead of eating someplace. And Chris canceled his flight for tomorrow!
Another down side of the rain is the effect on the cane crops of course so that is bumming Chris out right now. It will most likely be affected in major ways and there is not much that anyone can do about it until the rains stop which who knows when that will be. So say a prayer for Australia and all the people who are flooded out, the farmers and the ranchers who have lost stock and just for everyone who is affected by the flooding at this point.