I like to think I am a simple woman. I don’t really require a lot to be happy. Give me a book and a cup of tea, a comfy chair inside or outside and I am content. I don’t need a lot of fuss and muss but one thing I do like are sinks that work.
You know that dilemma. You have a sink faucet that drips. Your husband doesn’t have the right tools to fix it without having it turn into a major project. It is only one little thing and not worth calling the plumber. So you live with it. For months. You learn how to leave it so that it almost doesn’t drip. Almost.

It is one of those things that you just live with because it is a pandemic and you don’t want to have anyone unnecessary in your house. It isn’t a major thing but it is irritating.
Then the bathroom sink clogs. You use drain cleaner and it really doesn’t help much. You order more drain cleaner. Your husband takes apart all the piping under the sink and the clog is obviously above the pipes and neither of you can remember how the drain thingy works.

So you finally bite the bullet since there are two irritating things in your house. The plumber is called, arrives a couple days later masked and ready to work and within 45 minutes both sinks are fixed and working as they should be.
What a difference it has made to have both of those irritating problems fixed. No more jiggling the faucet to get it to stop dripping. No more waiting for forever for the water to go down the drain. The bonus is now I know how the drain works for the next time it happens. Which it will.
There is a lesson to be learned here but I am not quite sure what it is. Maybe leave jobs like these to the professionals? Don’t let dripping sinks bother you? Stop using so many hair products that goop up your sink drain when you wash your hands? Buy a brand new house with brand new fixtures? Be patient? Don’t sweat the small stuff? What lesson do you think I should learn from this? Leave me a comment and Comment for a Cause.