Every year we get one decent snow in the western North Carolina mountains. In past years it has seemed to come in December but this year January was the time that we managed to get a nice little snowfall. They had called it several days ahead and while the accumulation that was projected was not quite what we got we did get probably 3.5 inches of the white stuff which made everything stop for a few days.

I have definitely lost my love of living in a snowy climate but I must admit the past couple days of the snow on the ground has been a nice change of pace. Add to it that we have someone reliable now to plow our long steep driveway and it makes it so much better. I do not love shoveling snow – I guess I had my fill of it when we lived in Iowa.

So enjoy a few pictures from our snow day. It really was pretty. The good thing is that it won’t hang around for weeks – it will be all gone in a couple of days and I am good with that.