We LOVE where we live. We love our house, our yard, our community. We have been here six years in August and have never looked back. Moving here was the perfect thing for us and we have been blessed.
House projects are not fun and I have decided that I probably could never have a house built for me. There are too many decisions and too much stress. I am not good at having workmen (no matter how nice they are) in my house. I don’t like my “stuff” out of place.
With that being said I have complained about my kitchen counter tops since we moved in. I tried not to but honestly – who likes tile counter tops? I guess they were a thing for about a minute because I have seen other houses with them but ugh. I never felt like I could get them clean with all that grout. So I lived with them basically because I did not want the mess of replacing them.
So I unloaded cupboards and it was so great because I sorted and organized and had a huge donation pile for our local thrift shop. It was very freeing.

I stayed out of the way. I had moved the cats over to the apartment over the garage and hung out with them most of the day. We had the doors wide open on the house and guys going in and out and it was noisy. Like I said – I don’t do well with workmen in my space. But I survived because I knew the end would be fabulous.

Obviously we are thrilled. I could not recommend Sare Granite more highly. Their guys were professional and thorough and asked us questions during the install when things came up (as they always do). They did the demo and install in one day which made my life so much easier.
And of course – it has the Maksim approval. It’s almost like we picked out the granite to match him.

Do you like house projects? I drug my feet on this one but now I am so very happy with how my kitchen looks and can’t wait to start cooking some meals and doing some entertaining. it was worth the upheaval to get my new countertops. Leave me a comment and don’t forget to Comment for a Cause – Hospice of the Valley.