Several of my friends have emailed me to make sure that we are okay as the reports of the bushfires in Australia have hit the US news. We are fine but there are a lot of people who aren’t. The bushfires are in the state of Victoria (we live in Queensland) and they are devastating. I finally had to stop watching the news this morning because it was upsetting me so much. The last I heard the reports there were 108 deaths as a result of the fires that continue to burn. There were still 8 that were uncontained which is unbelievable. And the thing that is even tougher to take is that they were intentionally set and never had to happen. So while Queensland is recovering from too much water and flooding, Victoria is struggling with out of control fires that are still taking homes and lives with them. It is a difficult time for many here in Australia.
I actually saw the sun for most of the day today and took advantage of the no rain (the first day of no rain in weeks!) to do some cleaning of mildew..ick. One of the downsides of living at the beach is the moisture, the sea spray and the mildew when it has been raining every day. I think I have pretty well decided that while I love living at the beach I don’t think this is my lifelong goal! It is amazing how the sea spray just ruins things even inside the house. But it is one of those things that you don’t really know until you live in the environment and I am learning a little bit more every day!!!
So life continues to be a learning lesson…each day I learn something new!!! And isn’t that what life is all about?? Never stop the learning!!!