My nifty ice cube maker—-teeny little trays in this little compartment, turn the little lever 110 degrees and about 20 cubes fall into the bin below!!! Awesome!!!

So…I spent the day cleaning and trying to get things organized. We had a bed, table and chairs and a futon delivered a couple weeks ago so we got the bed put together and I have it all made up so now we are ready to go! I took the car into Ayr and did some shopping and didn’t get lost or turned around or anything! I am learning!!! Ayr is a nice little town and they have a lot of really cute shops that I will be exploring later but today I had to get stuff to clean with and just a few things for the kitchen. In the afternoon I picked up palm fronds from all over the yard—-worked for over an hour hauling stuff and it looks better and will be easier for them to mow now I think. I found out that CSR used to have gardeners that looked after each of the manager’s houses—even washed cars and polished silver if you wanted!!! Obviously that does not happen anymore but I guess in the past it did!!!
It is raining now which means all the mills will be shut down —they can’t harvest the cane and crush if it is raining so all the CSR folks will be in bad moods tonight I am sure. I haven’t been watching the weather so I don’t know if this was predicted or not but it really is a nice gentle rain and it is cooling everything off nicely so I don’t mind! I worked up a sweat outside working! Some honest labor!
We will be getting on the road early tomorrow as Chris has to be at one of the other mills early—-I think he is going to be ready for the weekend–this has been kind of a hard week on him so hopefully we will be able to do something to relax a bit. He works so hard all week and when the weekend comes he is pretty ready for it.
I brought some DVD’s to watch on my laptop so after I eat a frozen dinner I am going to go hop on the bed and start watching! Chris will probably be late getting back so I have to find something to occupy myself till he gets home!!!