Last week I told you about my trip to Las Vegas and our adventures there which included having a guest room with a conference table as the main attraction. The primary reason we were in Vegas for the three days was to attend the International Builders Show which is an amazing trade show for anyone involved in anything having to do with the building industry. Along with the International Builders Show was the Kitchen and Bath Builders Show which was an amazing show we had access to as well.
I had been to a trade show before but this time I actually walked the show with Chris, looked at products, took notes and yes—I totally enjoyed it. There are so many amazing products out there and it was a great place to highlight all that the companies at the forefront have to offer.
I came away with a lot of fun ideas and products that I would love to incorporate in my own home. Maybe not not but maybe someday? I decided it would be fun to do a post and show you what made my Best of Show list. It is by no means comprehensive but at least it will give you a glimpse into what “I” thought was neat. (I am not being paid to write any of this post–these are purely my own thoughts that I wanted to share with you.)
First of all–I would like to suggest that they not abbreviate their show name. Every time I walked by an IBS logo I giggled. At least I wasn’t running to the bathroom but really—I understand what it is stands for there but it also is a reminder to many of a condition that is less than wonderful.
Is this bathtub not amazing? A high heel bathtub! Genius. There were a ton of really unique and intriguing bathtubs at the show but this one had to be my favorite one.
Coffee makers are always a popular thing and I had actually seen a video years ago for the Top Brew product that actually delivers a variety of beverages directly to your cup from a system that is plumbed into your kitchen. I was in love with this one and had dreamed of having one …someday. It initially was not available for home use but it seems they have brought it to the household in a less expensive model— to the tune of $11,000- $19,000 depending upon what model you get. Nifty but doubtful I will have one of these in my life anytime soon.The next coffee system is probably a bit more within my price range and I loved what they offered in their product. The Brew Express. This system offers an in-wall installation so the system is recessed in order to be a space saving and neat option for the kitchen. The self filling system offers adjustable brewing capabilities and also the important “cuppus interruptus” as we call it in our household so you can take the pot out to pour a cup before it is through brewing the entire pot. A totally wonderful feature and this product comes in well under $500 so it is a much more affordable option for me at this point. I love the design and the features—and yes—you can do tea and hot chocolate as well by switching out baskets so that the taste remains true. There is nothing worse to me than having tea that has a coffee taste to it because it was put in a carafe that was used for coffee. Ugh.
How about this nifty fireplace fountain combo? I forgot to get the details on this one as I walked by but it was amazing!
How about growing your own herbs and salad items all year in a nifty insert in your kitchen? The Urban Cultivator allows you to do that all year long. I loved the size and convenient and attractive design from this Canadian company. Who wouldn’t love to grow basil and greens all year long? I believe this item sells for around $2500 if I remember correctly.
Finally I have to share the one product that I fell in love with in the Dunbarton line. When I saw this product I fell in love and was trying to figure out how to use it in my own home. It is a genius item—sliding doors with magnetic white board capabilities. How perfect would this be in a day care, classroom, playroom or kitchen? I could envision all kinds of places that this would be the perfect sliding door system and I bet my smart readers can come up with even more ideas of where it would the perfect item to have.
If you look closely I bet you can see that I left my trademark on the door. Can’t leave without a smiley face!
It was such a fun show to attend and I can’t wait for the next opportunity to attend a show like this. It’s a lot of work for those folks manning the booths and making connections but it wasn’t all work for all of them as you can tell from the photo below. I caught this lady doing her nails during some down time.