Goat therapy is THE best thing. My friend, Beth, has a connection with someone who owns a farm and who has goats. She asked me if I wanted to go check out the goats and of course I said YES! Because goats! . . . Continue reading →
Five Photos: Five Stories – Part 4
Revisiting a series of posts I wrote in 2015. Enjoy. The rules of Five Photos; Five Stories are to post a photo a day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a Continue reading →
It’s Baby Time
With a title like that you might be wondering what is up on it’s Just Life. Well, no human babies here and especially not from me but a weekend trip to Biltmore Estate gave me some much needed animal therapy. It’s kidding season on the Continue reading →
Love Comes in Many Forms
Love and comfort can come in a million or more ways. It can be a simple hug. Holding a hand of someone. Even just a look can convey a sense of love and comfort to someone at times. But the love of a pet is Continue reading →
Kitty Cat Wednesday
A quick post highlighting a few of my favorite cat pictures from the past week or so including pictures of my sister’s two fluffy felines, Micro and Chip. Cat love runs in the family. Handsome Chip. . A few shots of Micro. . . Holly Continue reading →
It’s Kidding Season!
My love of all things goats is unparalleled. I adore them. Their antics are always amusing and they just make me smile when I see one. A recent trip to Biltmore was the perfect chance to see a lot of goats at one time and Continue reading →
Read to Goats Month Comes to It’s Just Life
Did you know that March is Read to Goats month? Neither did I until I saw it shared on the Carl Sandburg Home National Historical Site. Now you know I am all about goats and my love for them is definitely something that everyone who Continue reading →
5 years Later
When you have pets you know that their lives, although such a huge part of your own, will most likely come to an end . You might try to prepare yourself but when it happens it is still a really difficult thing. Five years Continue reading →
Just Trying to Be One of the Herd
What a wonderful surprise this past Saturday when an afternoon spent at a local Artisan’s Market included visiting with a herd of llamas. We found a parking place on the lovely property of Deerwood Reserve where the White Squirrel Artisan’s Market was being held. We Continue reading →