Oh how often have I sung the praises of Sean Dietrich aka Sean of the South on my blog? Too many to tag, that is for sure. I was introduced to Sean’s writing years ago by my best friend, Ann, and over the years I Continue reading →
The Haunted House of Hillman by Frank F. Weber
Another book review is up on the blog today with this fabulous true crime book by Minnesota author Frank F. Weber. I have read and reviewed a couple of his other books before and you can read those blog posts here and here. Author Frank Continue reading →
I’m A Winner!
Every once in awhile I determine that I am a winner and this week I am just that! Every week, Leslie, owner at Highland Books in downtown Brevard offers up a giveaway on Facebook and Instagram. She has been doing this for quite a few Continue reading →
A Quick Glimpse at The New York Public Library
One of the things on my bucket list was to stop at the New York Public Library during our last trip to NYC. We didn’t have a lot of time to spend there but it was enough to get me excited about being there. It Continue reading →
Beth Ann’s Book Reviews – Three by Nancy Plain
One of my favorite things is books as you well know by reading my blog year after year. One of the best things about having a blog is that it allows me to share some of my great finds with my readers and give a Continue reading →
Beth Ann’s Book Reviews: Not Faking It With Jules by Micki Fredericks
I am a fan of a lot of authors who write in a lot of different genres. When I find one that I enjoy and that I actually know in person I like to share the love when they write a new book. Such is Continue reading →
Book Review: My Life by Fallon the Traveling Cat
Awhile ago I received a surprise package in the mail from my friend Sally. Sally and I go back to my days of living in Monaca, Pennsylvania. We were both young moms and found each other at church and forged a friendship that remains strong Continue reading →
What Did You Say?
I have lived a few places in my more than 63 years of life on planet earth and have often been asked where I got my accent. Now to my ears, I have none, but to others I do. I always answer that I am Continue reading →
I Detect a Theme
If you look at the picture of this stack of books that recently came home with me from the AAUW Used Book Sale, you will notice a distinct theme. I love reading books about books, bookstores, and libraries. They are definitely some of my favorite Continue reading →
The Most Fabulous Time of the Year
If you ask me, and you didn’t, the best time of the year is when the AAUW Brevard Branch Annual Used Book Sale happens. Hold on to your hats, friends, because the 53rd Annual Book Sale is almost upon us. This event is the most Continue reading →