Red and polar bears are what I love about this festive teapot! Continue reading →
Movember–Show Some Love!
My PSA for the week—go check out the details about Movember and your chance to give !!! Continue reading →
Drum Roll Please!!!!! From Kids to Burritos!
Comments for a Cause for October is over! Time to highlight my new cause and start the ball rolling! Jump on over to check out the new charity!!! Continue reading →
Heaps of Thanks!
When I started doing Comments for a Cause back in April I had no idea how fun it would be to tabulate all of the comments at the end of the month! I get kind of giddy just seeing how many of you folks Continue reading →
Science Diet, Crisco and Crying in the Shower!
Each week, Hilary at Feeling Beachie lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her at Continue reading →
The Comments Are Tallied! The New Charity Awaits!
As most of my “regular followers” know I have been doing Comments for a Cause here on It’s Just Life for a few months. This month I decided to donate 50 cents for each legitimate comment to The Tree of Life Native American Relief group Continue reading →
Last Chance
Today is the final day to make Comments for a Cause for the National Down Syndrome Society!!!! I think this is going to be my best month for comments yet and I am very excited!!!! The more comments made this month on any Continue reading →
Who I Am
Blogging is a wonderful and mysterious thing. I have stumbled upon a great blog where they offer up writing prompts every week (found it through my fabulous bloggy friend, Bernie over at One Mixed Bag). I am just getting this one in under the wire Continue reading →
Oops–had the caps on there and didn’t realize it but I am going to leave the title in caps just because! It is true!!! You guys are amazing!!! Imagine my surprise to the reaction when I listed my Comments for a Cause Charity this Continue reading →
I Am So Excited and I Just Can’t Hide It!
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! You all rock! I mean it!!! I have been doing this Comments for a Cause for 3 months now and each month I have gotten more comments. My promise is to donate 50 cents for each valid comment on my blog throughout the month Continue reading →