Last week I was able to go spend some time with my mom. Anyone my age who has a parent alive understands that time spent with my mom is priceless and my one regret is the distance that I live from her now. The positive Continue reading →
The Ties That Bind
My friend Katy who blogs at Learning As I Go and I were talking the other night about family. About siblings. About family dynamics and what those dynamics can look like in different families. Families can be complicated and messy sometimes I have found. Even Continue reading →
Steadfast Devotion
Our oldest son used to live in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. He was a busy young professional and had to go to work while I was there so I had a couple days to just chill out in his apartment complex. He has a great place Continue reading →
Living Genesis 37:17
“They have moved on from here,” the man answered. “I heard them say, ‘Let’s go to Dothan.’” So Joseph went after his brothers and found them near Dothan. Genesis 37:17 Did the title of this blog post get your attention? I certainly hope that it Continue reading →
It’s a Gem of a Day
Aw shucks–just gonna say it. I love this man. A whole heap. Please join me in wishing my Mr. Diamond the happiest of birthdays ever today. I am thrilled that I am winging my way across the blue skies to spend some much needed time Continue reading →
It’s Been Awhile–Chrisisms Return
My husband says the darndest things sometimes and I have taken to writing them down because they are just so—–Chris. I hope you get a kick of reading a few of his latest offerings today. Continue reading →
Somehow I Remembered It Differently
A picture triggered a avalanche of memories for me this week and I spent some time reminiscing about days gone by and how my memories might be a little flawed. Continue reading →
Slightly Sweet Saturday—Grandma Bonnie’s Apple Pudding
Childhood memories take me back to my Grandma and Grandpa Dittus’s farm. One thing that was certain—I would never leave hungry. My grandma was a great cook and today’s recipe comes from her kitchen. Just in time for fall apple season ! Continue reading →
A recap of the weekend! Continue reading →
From Kermit to Cookies
I’ve been a bit busy this week—here’s a glimpse. Continue reading →