. Yep. That’s the family circa 1994 or 1995ish. I am not exactly sure which year it was but there we are in all of our glory outside a cottage at one of my favorite places on earth, Lakeside, Ohio. While we have all grown Continue reading →
How Did We Get Here?
Today Mr. Diamond and I will celebrate 41 years of wedded bliss. For those that know us well, you know that we have really been blessed with a truly wonderful life. We are well suited for one another and balance each other. As we have Continue reading →
To Our Sweet Boy
Dearest sweet Theo, Today you turn two and while circumstances kept your Grampa and I from being with you to celebrate, it doesn’t mean that we aren’t wishing we were there. We were so very disappointed and sad when we realized we could not come Continue reading →
Another Year Passes
It’s November 10th and this date will always be a difficult one for me. My mom would have been 93 years old today. She has definitely been on my mind a lot the past couple of weeks and I am sure that it is because Continue reading →
Happiness with a Side of Remembrance
Sometimes I like to scroll through old blog posts to see what I was blogging about years ago. When you have been at it as long as I have sometimes the ideas are elusive when it comes to writing. At times I might repurpose the Continue reading →
Leisure Time
Yesterday I shared a few things from some scrapbooks that my Mother kept. It is fun to look at some of these old things and see what was important enough for her to keep. One such thing is this thank you note for a program Continue reading →
More Glimpses of the Past
I have the privilege of having so many scrapbooks and albums from my parents and every once in awhile I take the time to look through the fragile pages. It gives me the chance to see who they were when they were younger and how Continue reading →
40 Years
40 Years 14,610 Days 350,640 hours 21,024,000 minutes Each one building on the other. Each one blending into the next one. 40 years of marriage to the love of my life. Have each of those days been easy? No. Have there been challenges? Absolutely. But Continue reading →
The Day After Father’s Day
Sometimes I realize how short life can be and how I so want to be able to see my parents and talk to them. Father’s Day is one of those days, like Mother’s Day, that carries with it many emotions. As I reflect on my Continue reading →
A Message Discovered and Cherished
I have been working on a few things this month and am trying to get some things organized and cleaned up. It seems to be a constant thing with me. Sometimes I feel like all I am doing is moving piles of stuff around and Continue reading →