My husband’s latest funny quotes—-I don’t know where he comes up with this stuff but he does! Continue reading →
Crying Over a Mattress?
Ever get a picture that moves you to tears? Today I did. Continue reading →
Flying, Friends, Frigid, Family Friday!!!!
Hop on in! It’s time for Friday’s blog hop thanks to Hilary at Feeling Beachie!!! You know you want to! Continue reading →
Fiercely Independent?
Are you as independent as you would like to be???? Continue reading →
Beach Time
A few of the latest pics from our stay at Carolina Beach Continue reading →
Baby Planes and UHauls—We Got It Done!
Chris and I know how to have adventures. No doubt about it! My first leg of the latest adventure started out here. From there (Mason City, Iowa) I went to Minneapolis and then on to Dayton, Ohio where I awaited the arrival of my dearly Continue reading →
Wordless Wednesday—Reflections
Can you see us??? Continue reading →
My Front Door May Be A Teenager
How can a front door be compared to a teenager??? Read on, fearless readers, and the truth will be revealed. Continue reading →
Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A Bear—Wait—Two Bears!
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Pretty true in this case! Continue reading →
Tablets and Diapers?
That’s me!!! Doing the happy dance and it is all because of YOU! I will say it every month until I am blue in the face–I have the best followers!!! This month I chose as my Comments for a Cause recipient mainly because I Continue reading →