Do you like your name? Everyone has one. But be honest. Do you like yours? I have always loved my name. I am just Beth Ann. Not Elizabeth. Not Bethany. Nope. Beth Ann. Plain and simple. Perfect. Short and sweet. Nothing fancy and I think Continue reading →
Australian Attire
I went down a rabbit hole of sorts today and went back to start rereading when I started this blog in 2008 when we were in Australia. Well, one post led to another to another and before I knew it I was reliving those days Continue reading →
Regrets? I’ve Had Very Few.
Reflecting about regrets today and how they shape who we are. Continue reading →
Aussie Lingo, Anyone?
A repost because frankly I am plum worn out from the AAUW Book Sale. Come back next week for some new musings. When Chris and I lived in Australia we found a lot of words didn’t mean quite the same as they did in the Continue reading →
Photographs and Memories
This is a repost from 2018 and while some of my readers back then are still my readers now, I ran across it and thought it was time to share it again. Funny how things stick with me years and years later. Thanks for reading…again. Continue reading →
I Have a New Collection
I have a new collection. My readers know all about my teapot collection and my massive book collection . Well, it seems only right to let you in on my latest collection that I can hardly keep a secret any longer. Bruises. You read that Continue reading →
Stuck and Irritated
Stuck. Irritated. That describes a lot of things but today it is a condition that I find myself in. I had a lovely salad for lunch filled with kale and cabbage and brussels sprouts and other lovely items. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Until an hour Continue reading →
Childhood Memories
I have been working through my book 52 Lists for Happiness and one of the lists that is included is to list things that made me happy as a child. It’s a great exercise to make lists and it is even better to remember childhood memories that Continue reading →
A Wedding and Blogger Reunions
This is a summer of weddings for us and we happily flew to Iowa last week to attend the wedding of a lovely young couple. Kayla was the one who took care of our cats for years when we traveled and she sweetly invited us Continue reading →
Ninety Two
When peace like a river, attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to know It is well, it is well, with my soul. Horatio Spafford “It is Well with My Soul” Today, of all days, I Continue reading →