Nothing, and I mean nothing, feels as good as a hug. Sean Dietrich This morning I woke up and did my usual routine of reading emails, blog comments, blogs and of course catching up with my pal Sean Dietrich. His words always inspire Continue reading →
Florence is Coming! Florence is Coming!
Hurricane Florence is bearing down on the North Carolina coast as I write this. We still have time before it comes inland and it appears that it will stall out and hangout for awhile before it really comes to the mountains. I think it will Continue reading →
Pray as You Pass – St. Helena Prayer Chapel
The little chapel on the side of the road between our drive from Fripp Island to Beaufort continually caught my eye. A simple sign outside shared the mission of the little chapel. Pray as you pass. So I did. Every time we passed I prayed. Continue reading →
Stand If You Are Able
A repost from several years ago because I honestly ran out of time to do a new post. Y’all understand, right? Life. Enjoy and let me know what you think in the comment section. I recently spent a few days visiting my mom in Ohio Continue reading →
Like a Moth Drawn to a Flame
I am drawn like a moth to a flame to many things but today I want to feature another one of my favorite podcasts. As a fairly recent convert to podcast listening I am always looking for ones that interest me. I have shared my Continue reading →
Thanksgiving Blessings Abound
Thanksgiving Blessings… Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his Continue reading →
Tips for Transitioning a Loved One to Assisted Living
Assisted living. It is not always an easy thing to admit that our loved ones need more help than we can give them. Many times it is simply not feasible to take them into our own homes as much as we would like to. I Continue reading →
I May Be Addicted To Ear Hustle
Did you ever have an addiction to something that you just could not explain? Today I stand before you admitting my addiction to Ear Hustle. What? I shared with you that I have jumped on the podcast bandwagon a while back when I posted about Continue reading →
Pumpkin Spice 2017 – Part 1
Pumpkin Spice. You either love it or you hate it. Last year I found a few pumpkin spice themed items and shared them with my readers. You can read that post by clicking here. I had so many comments on that post that I thought Continue reading →
Are You Irma Ready?
Irma. That horrible hurricane that is wreaking havoc with so many areas is coming. Irma is coming quickly on the heels of the horrible Hurricane Harvey that hit the Texas area and the wildfires that appear to be raging in Montana and other areas. There Continue reading →